clay soil, tyres, plastic zip ties
46 x 15 cm ; 50 x 20 cm
Clods of soil collected from the vineyard, moved by a spader, compressed between pieces of tires, defending themselves.
The work originated in the Cortonese countryside, at Pietraia behind Giulia's studio, during a walk through the vineyard. The vineyard's clay-rich soil requires tilling with a spading machine to remain soft and aerated for cultivation. This machinery uses special arms, similar to spades, which push the soil upwards from below, turning it over. This action creates clods of earth that take on an arched shape, with one side remaining jagged, torn from the homogeneous ground, while the other side shows the marks of the machine, smoothing the surface.
Observing these shapes, I attempted to represent those insects, recreating a distinct black mark on the sides, imitating the stripes on the skin of these insects, using old, torn tires taken from a pile of rubber baking under the sun at the foot of the hazelnut grove.
A synthetic fur, made with electrician's ties, both threatens and protects the exterior of this magical being emerging from the underground.
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